Located in Faumcato, Faahpsnoahuw, FSM is the largest corporation on Faahpsnoahuw. They hold stock in various large companies on the continent, and have various subordinate companies such as STYLR TECHNOLOGIES. They have various sanctuaries ran by said subordinate companies, known singular as "Sophcashnocaum" and plural as "Sophcashnocaumshen". They also research various things for furthuring their intelligence in the goals of rebuilding east Faahpsnoahuw. (for anyone who knows fallout lore, they can be shittily summarized as dollar store vault-tec)

S. Tech

Stylr Technologies (formerly “//////// ///”) is a subsidiary of FSM that doubles as a shelter and specializes in culture and audio research. S. Tech is located at Meumkusoto Sophcashnocaum (Cross Shelter.) S. Tech is run by /////// “Ren” Vulp Styler. Data that S. TECH finds is archived by Meku (public name, his real name is “///////”, but that is a classified name only to be used in the presence of FSM associates), and his apprentice Archival. The public label known on this internet is half audio research and half auditory fucking around